Langohr 3.5.1
An idiomatic Clojure client for RabbitMQ that embraces AMQP 0.9.1 model. Built on top of the RabbitMQ Java client
Utility functions for protocol method inspection (for development, debugging and operations work)
Public variables and functions:
Functions that cover basic.* protocol methods: publishing and consumption of messages, acknowledgements.
Functions that instantiate consumers and provide convenient ways of registering them.
Public variables and functions:
Functions that work with connections and shared features between connections and channels (e.g. shutdown listeners).
Public variables and functions:
- *default-config*
- add-blocked-listener
- add-shutdown-listener
- automatic-recovery-enabled?
- automatic-topology-recovery-enabled?
- automatically-recover?
- blocked-listener
- capabilities-of
- Closeable
- connect
- create-channel
- exception-handler
- normalize-settings
- on-queue-recovery
- on-recovery
- Openable
- queue-recovery-listener
- settings-from
- shutdown-listener
- thread-factory-from
Functions that provide operations on exchanges.
RabbitMQ HTTP API client.
Public variables and functions:
- *default-http-options*
- *endpoint*
- *password*
- *username*
- add-user
- add-vhost
- aliveness-test
- bind
- close-connection
- close-connections-from
- connect!
- declare-exchange
- declare-permissions
- declare-policy
- declare-queue
- declare-user
- declare-vhost
- delete-exchange
- delete-permissions
- delete-policy
- delete-queue
- delete-user
- delete-vhost
- get-connection
- get-exchange
- get-message
- get-node
- get-overview
- get-permissions
- get-policies
- get-queue
- get-user
- get-vhost
- list-bindings
- list-bindings-for-which-exchange-is-the-destination
- list-bindings-for-which-exchange-is-the-source
- list-channels
- list-connections
- list-connections-from
- list-definitions
- list-enabled-protocols
- list-exchanges
- list-extensions
- list-nodes
- list-permissions
- list-policies
- list-queues
- list-users
- list-vhosts
- protocol-ports
- publish
- purge-queue
- safe-json-decode
- set-permissions
- set-policy
- throw-exceptions
- url-with-path
- user-exists?
- vhost-exists?
- whoami
Convenience functions for dealing with shutdown signals
Public variables and functions: